Web Site Features
Match List
The first thing you'll see after logging in, is a list of your DNA matches, from closest match to farthest. The Grandma #, if present, indicates that person's ID number on grandmaonline.org, a Mennonite genealogy Web site. Grandma Online hosts a family tree containing more than 1.2 million people of Mennonite ancestry. Each Grandma link takes you to a public profile page for that person, providing more information about the person and their immediate family. If available, email addresses are displayed for your matches, allowing you to introduce yourself, and potentially learn more about your family tree.
Match Details
When you click a name in the match list, you'll see details about your DNA matches with that person. Each match segment is listed, including information about how long the segment is, and the start and stop position.
Chromosome Browser
From the Match List page, clicking the Chromosome Browser button takes you to a graphical display of your matches. Unlike other sites, which require you to select a few specific people to view, this chromosome browser displays all of your matches at once, in a single scrolling display. Each block on the graph represents a match segment with the person on that row. Hovering over a block will display the details about that block, such as the length of the segment, and the position within the chromosome.
Chromosome Browser Triangulation
On the Chromosome Browser page, clicking the name of one of your matches will overlay the graph with blue blocks. These blue blocks represent the match segments between the person whose name you clicked, and your other matches. For example, if your father or mother are listed, you can click their names to see matches you on your father's side, or your mother's side. This works for grandparents, cousins, or anyone in your match list.
Kit List
If you have contributed raw data files for more than one person, you will see a list of your kits when you log in, allowing you to view each of their matches. As with the match list page, you can see Grandma numbers, and click to see more information from grandmaonline.org.